Cashbird review - Is Cashbird legit or scam?

If you have been looking for an opportunity to earn money online in your spare time. Here is Cashbird, a popular app that claims you can earn money simply by completing paid offers, watching videos, posting videos and completing many other activities. However, I can't doubt such a claim, the only thing that matters here is, is it legit or a scam app to be far from? Can I withdraw? Is it really a waste of time or not? is Cashbird real or fake?

Yeah, I know how curious you are to know more about this app. I have never seen an app that has become so popular like Cashbird within a few months. So far, I have reviewed many apps, and I can tell the number of fake apps that are scamming users out there. I personally know how bad and painful it is to spend time and data on fake apps without knowing it's fake. But you don't have to worry about this, because at the end of this review you will find one or two things which will help you make an informed decision whether to continue with Cashbird or not. So stay connected while I take you through a few steps to show you all the necessary things you need to know about this app because you deserve to know the truth. No one would ever want to get scammed.

What exactly is Cashbird?

If you have been looking for a ways to showcase your talent through videos, here is Cashbird, a mobile app that claims you can make money simply by sharing your videos with the community. Not just that, it also offer users the opportunity to earn by watching videos and completing many other activities. The main question going viral about this app is, is it legit or a scam app to be far from?
Many people wants to know if this app is legit, and there are many that do not care to find out if it's legit. However, for you that wants to find out if the app is legit before using, what if I tell you that you are really a lucky person? Curious to know why? 
To help you understand better on how to use this app, let me point out all the ways you can make money from it before moving to conclusion. So, stay connected.

Ways to make money from Cashbird:

1: Posting videos:

I can't deny you this fact: there are many fun and interesting videos to enjoy, and the app video interface is cool. 

Since the app promises to pay users to upload videos, you can't tell the number of people that are posting videos per day.

Cashbird is a mobile app that claims you can earn thousands of coins for your own videos. Everytime you share your videos to the app, it will credit your wallet with some number of coins. To add your own video, you can click on the "Add" button in your account and it will pop-up your device files which you can choose the video you want to upload.

2: Watching videos:

Anytime you view videos, you will discover that your wallet is adding up gradually. Cashbird is an app that claims you will get paid for every videos you watch.

There are many videos to watch on the app. So the more videos you watch, the more you will earn coins.

3: Completing paid offers:

While I was testing the app, I discovered that it has partner with popular offer providers such as: Wannads, OfferToro, Adgate and many others.
When you login to the app, You can click on the "Earn" section where you will see various offers you can complete.
You will see normal offers you have been seeing on most popular gpt sites and apps.

Clicking on any offer you want to complete will redirect you to either a website or app where you can get it done. You will see offers that asks you to sign up on other sites, download apps, and complete many other activities.

As you can see, those are the available ways you can earn from this app which I have been able to point out right now. But that's not all, you will still discover other ways you can earn when you open the app.

How much money can you earn from Cashbird?

Everything about this app is complicated. When you complete any activity you earn the Cashbird coins. For watching videos, you will earn sometimes 15 coins and above per video. For completing paid offers from its offer providers you will earn from 1,000 coins, 10,000 coins and even up to 24,000 coins.
But keep in mind that I can not tell exactly how much these coins worth, that was why I said earlier that everything about this app is complicated.
The amounts of real money the coins worth will be written on your wallet and in your country currency. This app is available in many countries, and the currency of your account will depend on your country.

Example: If you're from the US, your Cashbird account currency will be dollar ($).
If you are from Nigeria, your Cashbird account currency will be Naira.
So, each coin you earn, the app will show you what it's worth in your country currency. It's written on your wallet dashboard.

Cashbird Payout options:

The payout options available to you will depend on your country. But generally, you will see PayPal. And let me just make it clear to you that I can't point out the minimum amount you can withdraw from this app because it varies from country to country.
To request a payout, login to your account, you can go to either the "Earn" section or your profile section and you will see the "Withdraw" button. Click on it to get started.

Is Cashbird Legit or scam?

What I can tell you at this time is that Cashbird is a fake and scam app you need to be far from. So far I have tested and I have reviewed many apps, but what if I tell you that I came across the worst app which is this particular one?
This app make it own money from the offers you complete.
During my research, I did not find a single valid word from someone that this app is legit, most of the positive reviews you will find online are paid reviews sponsored by the owners of the app. So, if you have been looking for a place to waste your mobile data and time watching videos in vain, then Cashbird is the right place for you. Am sure it won't take long for your data to run out when you are active on this app because the videos will run down your mobile data within some minutes, and you will feel the pain when you discover that you can't withdraw your earnings.

The app will allow you to earn, but immediately you reach the withdrawal threshold you will start experiencing things you have never experienced before. It will give you different excuses, from withdrawal failed and many others, and even if you manage to see that withdrawal is successful, you will wait till eternity without receiving the money in your account.

Other things you should know:

1: Very slow:

While I was testing this app, my experience with it was worst than what I have ever experienced with other apps.
It takes this app minutes upon minutes to load and open pages, and it makes phone to heat up. Am sure you will not enjoy the temperature it will cause to your device.