Pulse Video is a new mobile app that claims to make earning money online easier. This app asserts that by completing simple activities, users can earn its coins, which can then be withdrawn for cash via PayPal.
Pulse Video was launched on the Google Play Store on January 31, 2024.
It's essential to note that this app is heavily laden with ads. Be prepared to encounter a barrage of both video and banner ads.
Thank you for visiting to read this Pulse Video review. It's worth noting that the app's name on Google Play is different; it's called Payoutpulse. So, if you're searching for it on Google Play, look for Payoutpulse instead of Pulse Video, the name that appears after installation.
Without taking up too much of your time, in this review, we will uncover the truth behind a mobile app called Pulse Video. Stay connected, don't go anywhere, and don't let anything distract you. Also, don't forget to follow us (Naijanewlife) on Facebook for daily review updates.
Want to see Pulse Video yourself? Here's link to it on Google play store